Thursday, November 13, 2014

How To Connect Deeply With Anyone In Five Minutes

Am I the only one who loves these types of games?

I encourage you to give it a try, even if only to exercise your creative muscles for a moment. And if you're going play along, do it BEFORE you read mine!

This was my story:

There is a transparent cube of frosted glass about the size of a five gallon jug blurring my view of this barren desert. The edges are perfectly aligned, emitting a faint turquoise glow. It's hovering before me exactly four feet off the ground.

Closely beside on the right is an old rickety ladder standing erect but not touching the cube in any way. The wood was painted white once but the last few bits and pieces are flaking off, falling straight into the sand below where its legs meet the hard ground.

A dusty gray horse with a white mane and tail and spots on its rump, similar in color scheme to the ladder, leisurely strolls up with it's head hanging low, searching for something. It looks up and inspects the cube with great interest, briefly glances at the ladder before returning its gaze to the cube, then lays down to the left of it, staking its claim.

Wild flowers with long, flimsy stems start popping up beneath the cube rapidly and in great numbers. Their petals are various shapes and sizes, all brightly colored as the desert sun has not yet scorched them of their beauty. Instead of growing up, they reach outward like ground cover in a 20 foot radius around the horse, cube and ladder, as if the minimal amount of shade the cube provides were enough to suffocate them.

The sky begins to darken and a rumbling begins that can not only be heard, but felt through the ground. Pink lightning cracks the sky into a million abstract pieces. In the distance, a wall of sand like a tidal wave is forming and gaining speed, heading straight for us. The faint light from the cube is now blazing, and creates a barrier from the storm, a safe haven for it's constituents. The weather subsides and all is as was before.

Feel free to share yours in the comments and/or discuss what it means to you!

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