Thursday, November 20, 2014

Snovember In The City of Good Neighbors

Unless you've been living under a rock I'm sure you've heard Buffalo is taking a beating right now. A few of my family members are in the epicenter, buried under 7+ feet of snow with drifts around 15 feet (that was last night’s count). This current band is bringing thunder and lightning, and expected to dump another two to three feet by tomorrow. 

My grandmother assured me she was fine when it began two days ago, as long as the electric didn't go out. Last night was a different story. Besides her land line telephone, Nana's only connection to the outside world at the moment is her TV. She had hoped to pass the time by watching her favorite shows like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune while crocheting afghans for her great-grandchildren. However, the news coverage of this state of emergency has taken over every station there, hyped up the devastation, and has my grandmother scared out of her mind. Thanks, media!

Just down the street from her, roofs are collapsing, and doors and windows are busting in. One of the GIANT pine trees in her backyard succumbed to the weight of the snow yesterday, luckily in the opposite direction of her house. But there are still six more, just as heavily burdened, trembling and swaying, which could collapse at any moment. She was in tears begging me to come pick her up (not possible), though I did get a small chuckle when I regretfully informed her my go-go gadget blizzard mobile was out of service at the moment but to try back tomorrow.

It's been interesting seeing the Facebook posts from my friends, both photographs and videos. They now all seem to be keeping track of their days like Star Trek's captains logs: 

"Day 3, feels like day 33. Hopefully we see some plow action and driving ban lifted soon! Cabin fever is setting in but on a positive note this storm is keeping us all in one place without having to go anywhere or having to do anything (which is a rarity for us, always on the go)." 

"Day 3 of ‪#‎snovember. Dave hunted for an elderly neighbor's phone # and called to check on her. I <3 him. Today...we put up the tree and make more snowflakes out of coffee filters. I'm also feeling a deep clean of the kitchen coming on since I did most of the basement yesterday "

"Day 3: The driving ban needs to be lifted so my new twin nieces can come home from the hospital. Can't wait to cuddle them!"

"❄❄ Whoo hoo snow day number 3 in Williamsville !! ❄❄"

But this, THIS drives me fucking insane:

"Ok...I just want to scream! Get me out of this house!!! Toilet paper is gone, milk expired yesterday, missed my 10am hair appointment that's been booked for weeks, sick of cooking, I'm dying for a Starbucks caramel brûlée latte...I think that might cover it all?"

There have been actual fatalities and all you can say is that you're bored, have gray hair and want a latte?? Fuck you! 

Also, the Bills are trying to hire people to shovel the stadium for $10/hr plus game tickets because they're supposed to play Sunday. How about financing the snow removal from roads so emergency vehicles can get through? Or dig elderly people out from their houses? How many billions of dollars have they poured into your pockets the last 55 years? Cancelling one game isn't going to make or break your business. Ridiculous.

I'm supposed to be travelling up that way next week for Thanksgiving, let's see what future weather reports hold. 

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